Showing posts with label wedding photgraphy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding photgraphy. Show all posts

Friday, January 1, 2016

I'm Ready for 2016

Stunning vacation home Mr R and I were blessed to rent on the Maine Coast
to celebrate our 30 anniversary

Throughout my life I've made a mistake. That error is this: I've all too often thought peace meant getting away from hard or tiring circumstances. You know...taking a holiday, a vacation or at least a good nap.

This past year the Lord has been teaching me otherwise. Peace ~ real peace//lasting peace ~ will only come in accepting my current circumstances and trusting God. I can hear the echo of this sentiment in Jesus' words from the garden, "Not My, but Thy will done." I want to live like Jesus. And, I want to die to self like my Savior did.

So, I'm ready for 2016.
I'm ready to let go.
I'm ready to give up control.
I'm ready to back off.
I'm ready to surrender my expectations.
I'm ready to stop clutching.
I'm ready to stop grasping.
I'm ready to stop holding my breath.
I'm ready to stop insisting on my way.
I'm ready to stop striving for perfection.
I'm ready to stop fighting to lead.
I'm ready to stop panicking.
I'm ready to stop insisting.
I'm read to stop worrying.
I'm ready to stop demanding.

With God's promised help,
I'm ready for 2016.
I'm ready to trust Jesus.
I'm ready to trust Jesus with the outcome.
I'm ready to learn how to forgive.
I'm ready to breathe deeply and slowly.
I'm ready to exercise regularly.
I'm ready to serve others.
I'm ready to get rid of stuff.
I'm ready to be okay with messy and dirty.
I'm ready to spend more time in my Bible.
I'm ready to start blogging again.
I'm ready to pray about writing a book.
I'm ready to plan purposed times of rest.
I'm ready to trust Jesus.
I'm ready to let my kids make mistakes.
I'm ready to fight my anger.
I'm ready to learn how to watercolor.
I'm ready to eat less.
I'm ready to try to get to know my neighbors.
I'm ready to fight anxiety.
I'm ready to work to know God.
I'm ready to give my husband grace.
I'm ready to trust Jesus.
I'm ready to listen to my children.
I'm ready to stop interrupting my husband.
I'm ready to get my camera out more often.
I'm ready to pray more.
I'm ready to fight my fears.
I'm ready to learn to love lavishly.
I'm ready to strengthen my organizational skills.
I'm ready to trust God with how my kids turn out.
I'm ready for 2016.

None of these are New Year's Resolutions. I will fail. I will slip and stumble and slide and fall flat on my face. I'd prefer to think of these as places of grace for myself. When I fall, I'm going to put a hand to the ground and push myself back into a standing position, relying on the Lord's strength to do so. I'm going to keep on trying. I'm going to bathe these dreams in prayer. When I mess up, I'm going to confess any sin to God, set my account right with the people I love and try again. "God is my helper and the uplifter of my life" (Psalm 54:4 ESV) He's my solid rock, not me. I'm ready to stand on Him and throw myself joyfully into the waves that will come in 2016. God is with me and for me. I'm ready. I'm ready for the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7).

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

365 People Photos: Number 88 ~ Lissie and her Ladies in Waiting

This time just a favorite from the wedding of our daughter, Alison, last October. (We also call Alison by the nickname Lissie at times.)

The bride was resting during the photography that went on before the ceremony. As soon as Alison sat in one of the church pews, she was immediately surrounded by some of her sisters and dear friends. Out of the photo to the right and touching the bride with her hand was Alison's matron of honor ~ her older sister, Anna.

Friday, July 18, 2014

365 People Photos: Numbers 83-85 ~ My Princess

In May both our oldest daughters served as bridesmaids in the wedding of their dear friend, Hannah. More photos from Hannah and Jordan's wedding are soon to come, but I couldn't resist sharing these pictures of Alison getting ready on the morning of the wedding.

That morning in the bridal-preparation room, Alison just happened to sit facing into a window as she applies her make-up. This made use of that natural light which is a photographer's dream as I've mentioned in a previous post. In the glow of early morning flowing in through the window, even some thing so routine as putting on mascara took on an artistic beauty that made my mother's heart leap for joy in thanksgiving to God for the gift of such a lovely daughter.

I know I'm biased as her mother, but I think this young woman is a treasure. The best thing about Alison? She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She loves Jesus passionately and seeks Him fervently. That love of her Saviour transfers to a deep concern for people and a desire to serve others. I thank God for my second oldest daughter! What a blessed mom I am!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

365 People Photos: No. 82 ~ Lending a Hand

I've been near the inner workings of so many weddings lately. As a result I've come to realize just how many friends and family it takes to successfully carry off the big event. If a number of people don't pitch in to help, the event is at risk of flopping...or at least the mother-of-the-bride is at risk of a mental break down! 

At the recent wedding I attended in Houston, the bride's college roommates were staying with the family in advance of the big day when they would serve as bridesmaids in Ashley's wedding. I was impressed when I saw one of the young women, Chelsea, pitching in to washing dishes. I appreciated her servant's heart. As a people photographer, I also immediately noticed just how beautiful she looked in the morning light pouring in through the big window over the sink. I had my camera in hand and couldn't resist snapping a shot. Don't you love the glow around her face and the water droplets which are forever frozen in time?

I love people photography! You just never know where your next opportunity to record a special moment with appear!

Friday, July 11, 2014

365 People Photos: No. 81: The IT'S-ALMOST-TIME Wait

I recently posted a photo of this beautiful bride sitting in a chair in the bridal dressing cottage. In this picture Ashley is just minutes from being given the signal that it's time. I love Ashley's wedding-day glow in this photo. I love her ceaseless smile. I love how she's got got a grasp on the train of her dress, prepared to take the walk on her daddy's arm. I love the soft light pouring through the windows in the late afternoon. I love the illumination of the bride's veil and the flower girl's dress. This photo exactly what I most enjoy doing with a camera in my hands ~ capturing a moment that isn't staged or posed but will none the less bring back a flood or memories for those in the photo. I thank God that he enabled me to take this picture.

In this photo, Ashley's three sisters are to the left of the bride. Amy, in the long, gray gown served as her maid of honor. Shannon, is immediately next to Amy. These two lovely beauties are twins. They are also Ashley's older sisters by two years. Right next to Ashley is her "little" sister, Natalie, who was born when Ashley was 8.

The three young women on the right were college roommates. You may be guessing that the man in the picture is Ashley's father, but her dad was just out of the frame. The man pictured her dad's brother, Ashley's uncle. He is also the father of the flower girl. His assignment on the day of the wedding was to help the nervous petal-dropper muster the courage to walk down the aisle just in front of her cousin, the bride.

I felt so honored to be invited to take these photographs. I love any wedding, but this one was extra special to me. Ashley and her sisters were just a bit older than the flower girl when I first met them. In the late 1990s our two families were living in England as American ex-pats. At the time my husband and I had only had three children, and after we'd finish our home schooling the four of us would often spend the afternoon together. I hadn't seen the four sisters in many years so my joy was overflowing to get to spend time with their family and get reintroduced to them as young women. The God I serve is so kind to give me an opportunity like this!